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February 2023

Properly Funding Your Living Trust

Failing to properly fund a living trust is one of the most common errors people make and can lead to unintended consequences and added costs for both the individual and their beneficiaries. In this video, we’ll provide an overview of how to properly fund a living trust.

Key provisions of the SECURE 2.0 Act for employers

The SECURE 2.0 Act aims to improve retirement savings by making it easier for employers to offer retirement plans to employees and for individuals to increase their retirement savings. This article will discuss selected provisions of the Act and their potential impact on employers.

Key provisions of the SECURE 2.0 Act for individuals

The SECURE 2.0 Act of 2022 aims to improve retirement savings by making it easier for employers to offer retirement plans to employees and for individuals to increase their retirement savings. Learn about select provisions of the Act that affect individuals.

Protecting Your Family’s Finances During an Economic Downturn

Many economists are predicting that the US economy will experience a downturn, if not a recession, in 2023. A downturn can lead to job loss, reduced income, and financial insecurity. While it’s impossible to predict the future with certainty, there are steps you can take to protect your finances during a downturn.