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December 2022

Crafting a buy-sell agreement for your business

Buy-sell agreements are an essential tool for businesses with more than one owner. This type of agreement defines what will happen to the departing owner’s share of the business if they leave. Learn about the benefits, key components, and important considerations of a buy-sell agreement for your business.

FASB Proposes Changes to Lease Accounting Rules

The Financial Accounting Standards Board recently issued a proposed Accounting Standards Update for Leases (Topic 842). The update addresses related-party arrangements between entities under common control. This video provides an overview of the proposed changes.

Does your company need an employee benefit plan audit?

An employee benefit plan audit is a periodic and independent examination of a company’s benefit plans that are subject to ERISA. If your company currently offers or plans to offer an employee benefit plan, read this article to learn about audit requirements.

Employee or Independent Contractor?

It’s important to correctly classify your workers as either employees or independent contractors. Incorrectly classifying workers can have serious legal and financial consequences. Learn about factors to consider when classifying your workers.

Year-end estate & gift planning considerations

The end of the year is fast approaching, and with it comes the opportunity to reassess your tax and financial circumstances. Learn about strategies to help minimize your taxes for 2022.

What you need to know about tax nexus

Understanding nexus is essential for determining a company’s tax obligations. However, many businesses are unaware of what establishes nexus and thus are unaware of their tax obligations. Learn about tax nexus and how it may affect your company.